
"... I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning to sail my ship."

- Louisa May Alcott

A Snipped from our Class

A Snipped from our Class
Click on this icon to see an experiment about drought stoppers from class on 9/28.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Book Reports Not Due On January 30th

Dear Families,

There is not a book report due on January 30th. Due to the lost days in January, and the fact we postponed the last book report from mid-December into early January, many of our students were not able to access a book to read thoroughly and produce a book report by next week. The other 5th grade classes already canceled the previous book report for lack of time.  I want the quality of the product to be very high, and have decided that we needed to look forward to our February 27th book report due date. That book will need to be either Realistic Fiction or Fantasy (based on what book they choose for their January 3rd book report). 

I hope this helps. Thanks for your continued support from home. 

-Mr. Pfaff

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